Friday 18 February 2011

Detox Crispbread

My mother makes these lovely homemade crispbreads and kindly tested the recipe with detox friendly ingredients - luckily they turned out just as delicious as the normal, gluten-containing, ones she usually makes. 

These are great for a quick snack (especially if you have gotten sick of corn/rice crisps at this point) topped with a bit of goats cheese, ricotta cheese, hummus etc. They can last a long time as long as you keep them in an airtight container so if you were to make a portion at the beginning of your detox it could in fact last you the whole three weeks.

You can make them more savory by adding fresh herbs (I would recommend some finely chopped rosemary) and maybe a little pepper to the base mixture below.

½ cup sunflower seeds
½ cup whole flaxseeds or linseeds
½ cup sesame seeds (white or black)
½ cup quinoa flakes or gluten free rolled oats
250 g gluten free flour
1 heaped tsp baking powder
1 heaped tsp salt
½ cup rape seed oil
1 cup water

Mix all ingredients together - it should be a slightly wet mixture but in case it is too wet to handle without it sticking to your fingers, add a little more gluten free flour.

Split into two portions. Between 2 pieces of baking paper roll it out thinly (so that it is about 2-3mm thick) into a square of approximately 35X30 cm. Cut each square into app. 20 pieces (or whichever size you find appropriate for each individual piece of crispbread) and transfer the sheet with the unbaked crispbread onto a baking tray.

Bake at 200C for 12-14 minutes. When they come out of the oven put them on a wire-rack to cool. Store in a airtight container and they will stay fresh for at least a month.

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